When a Nova Scotia elementary school needed reliable level measurement of their heating oil tanks, they turned to Flowline. With an average winter temperature of -2º C., school classrooms are heated via forced air furnaces. Each burner is fueled by a 500-gallon heating oil tank that’s truck refilled on a regular basis. The previous float level switches would often stick and required ongoing maintenance. This led to oil outages, cold students and angry parents. A system integrator was hired to replace the switches with reliable non-contact measurement, and push the tank data to a cloud for supplier and staff visibility. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our ultrasonic level sensors that are ideal for heating or diesel oil applications, and we’re awarded Processing’s Breakthrough Product of the Year. See why? The ultrasonic sensors provide reliable level data to the controllers, which post the tank inventories and send email notifications for replenishment. Flowline is reliable level measurement. |