When an Idaho road contractor needed reliable level measurement of their asphalt slurry storage tanks, they turned to Flowline. The firm repairs, resurfaces and seals streets, parking lots and runways from three site locations. Each has an equipment yard with a heated slurry tank that’s refilled weekly by their supplier. But as business fluctuates, the deliveries sometimes don’t coincide with demand. Couple that with employee hesitancy to climb ladders and look down into a near boiling, vaporous caldron, and it’s not surprising they were incurring costly product outages. For this reason, Flowline suggested our non-contact radar level sensors that are unaffected by fluctuations in temperature, vapor or media. The operator has since received a lower insurance premium. The radar sensors provide reliable level data to the displays, which monitor the tanks and alarm for replenishment. Flowline is reliable level measurement. |