Chemical Mini-Bulk Storage Ultrasonic Level Transmitter

Chemical Mini-Bulk Storage Ultrasonic Level Measurement
Chemical Mini-Bulk Storage Ultrasonic Level Transmitter

When a Northwest municipality needed reliable level measurement of their lift station chemical storage tanks, they turned to Flowline. Located at the base of a residential community that’s adjacent to homes, the water plant injects disinfection and order control chemicals directly into the station. There the operator required a non-contact and corrosion resistant level measurement solution that’s unaffected by their 90º annual temperature swings and the daily condensation cycles that occur within the tanks. For these reasons, Flowline suggested our PVDF reflective-ultrasonic sensors that automatically shed condensation. The ultrasonic sensors provide reliable level data to the SCADA, which monitors the chemical tanks and alarms for replenishment. Flowline is reliable level measurement.